*Content courtesy of the Government of British Columbia
MEETING B.C.’S CLIMATE COMMITMENTS A plan for today, a vision for tomorrow
The impacts of climate change are all around us. And British Columbians know that delaying is not an option.This plan delivers on CleanBC: Roadmap to 2030 to meet B.C.’s emissions reduction targets for 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. In doing so, more industries and communities will be powered with clean, renewable energy. This mission will strengthen B.C.’s ability to attract investment and build economic opportunity for British Columbians by accelerating the transition to clean energy solutions.
There are many sectors outlined in the StrongerBC Economic Plan. To read or download the whole .pdf, please click here: BC’s ECONOMIC PLAN
The Clean BC Better Homesand Better Buildings programs provide rebates and support for homeowners and businesses to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in new and existing buildings providing
low-Interest Financing Program provides loans with interest rates as low as 0% for switching from fossil fuel heating systems to heat pumpsAs part of the Roadmap to 2030, all space and water heating equipment sold and installed in B.C. after 2030 will be at least 100% efficient (electric baseboards and water heaters meet this standard, heat pumps are even more efficient)
The Province will proceed with the next steps on a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, an alternative financing option to help building owners invest in energy retrofits B.C. regularly updates its Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation to improve products that use or control energy.A 2021 update increased standards for computer monitors, gas boilers and residential windows B.C. is developing an Existing Buildings Renewal Strategy. The strategy will consider regulatory options to ensure existing buildings are more energy efficient, lower carbon and resilient to events like earthquakes, wildfires, heat waves, and floods. New energy efficiency standards for building upgrades, will be adopted into the BC Building code by 2024, in collaboration with Codes Canada.
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Learn more about Westeck’s high performance Aluminum Windows and Balcony Doors